About Us


“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” – Albert Einstein

Hi parents and students!

School work seems to be overwhelming and classes seem to be boring most of the time. The class size is huge and the teacher is often unable to give you the attention you need. Students, do you feel that you have put in considerable effort yet still find it a challenge to fully understand the topics and grasps concepts? Does that leave you feeling frustrated and make you feel like giving up?

Parents do these scenarios sound familiar?

Don’t worry help is here! At unique tuition, students learn how to prioritize information and tackle the school work by breaking down the information needed into small manageable pieces.

Beginning with the basics all the way to mastering the subjects, every step will be conscientiously tailored to their respective needs and most importantly in a manner that is FUN!

Lets make learning naturally fun again and ignite that spark you had within you all along!